Blankets for Rickshaw Drivers

Rickshaw drivers are a symbol of the ‘old’ India coexisting with the ‘new’ on the roads. They are a symbol of poor India sharing the same coordinates with the rich, a unique viewing experience which urban India offers to the world.

Rickshaw drivers can often be seen throughout India sleeping in their rickshaw or living on the side of the roads with their families. Temperatures often drop at night, especially in northern India, making this sort of existence detrimental to their health.

The least we can do to assist is to finance the provision of blankets which our partners in northern India distribute to rickshaw drivers at Christmas.

Donations of any amount will help us continue to assist rickshaw drivers in this way.

Blankets for Rickshaw Drivers


Donations of any amount will help us continue to provide blankets to rickshaw drivers

  • "The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we're happy to do it"

    Mother Theresa

  • "A body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."

    Mahatma Gandhi

  • "I want to thank you for your involvement in the process of moulding the lives of these beautiful people."
