
There is no free health service in India, therefore the Rupamari School Medical programme is of vital importance to the well-being of the school children to enable them to maintain their health in order to continue with their education.

People living in remote rural villages time and again encounter barriers to healthcare that limit their ability to obtain the care they need. To be able to access healthcare, a rural resident must also have the financial means to pay for health services and the transportation to services that are situated on the mainland, 3 hours away by boat. An illness within the family can impoverish an entire household, and send it crashing even further below the poverty line.

Inaccessibility to adequate health care soon became a major concern when we started the Rupamari School project. We have a desire to see the children perform well at school and for any health issues to be detected and treated early by a qualified doctor from the mainland. This is the driving force behind the Rupamari School medical programme.

Afghanistan Refugees

Urgent food packages are needed.

Health Projects