Leprosy Village Child Education
Those living in leprosy villages are largely illiterate. Most of them do not even know how to write their names. There are often no suitable arrangements for their education or for the education of their children. This lack of education further intensifies the discrimination against those who live in these villages.
Although the children of parents do not have leprosy themselves, their lives are still harshly impacted by the disease. They suffer from rejection and poverty and are isolated in their villages. It is hard for children from these villages to attend formal schools, partly due to distance, the stigma which is associated with leprosy and social discrimination. Their parents’ disease should not decide their fates.
Vision for Asia, together with our partners, are working on this new project to bring hope to 14 children in one village, through giving them a basic education. What the children learn in these next few years will be enable them to lead more dignified lives in the future. These children must be helped, or they may be left in their village for life, a curse almost as bad as leprosy itself.
Are you able to help us to bring hope through education by sponsoring a child from a minimum of £5 a month? Your money will be:
Put towards a Teacher’s salary
Provide teaching materials for the Teacher
Provide each child with school supplies and uniform
For further information on how to sponsor a child, please contact nicky@visionforasia.org
Leprosy Village Child Education
£5 per month
Will go towards a teacher’s salary and provide teaching materials for a child living in a leprosy village