Provision of Bibles

Allowing God’s Word to reach our brothers and sisters in Asia. Helping our persecuted brothers and sisters in Asia learn about our Father God and the Lord, Jesus Christ; strengthening their faith and discipling others.

Do you remember when you first became a Christian and could not put your Bible down? Hungry to learn more about the God who saved you. How would you feel if you had no Bible to encourage, strengthen and guide you as you continue your Christian walk?

Our brothers and sisters throughout Asia, many living in the midst of terrorist activity, are desperate to own their own Bible but cannot afford to buy one for themselves. With your help, we can make their dream a reality.

Each Bible costs just £2.50 … please can you help us reach our 2019 target to provide 2,500 Bibles to our dear brothers and sisters in Asia?

Remote churches have only one bible, and every day one family will borrow it to read. They pass it from house to house every day. Praise God, despite persecution there is a tremendous growth in the churches.
— Pastor

Provision of Bibles

£5 per month

Regular support of £5 a month or a one-off donation of any amount, large or small, will provide God’s Word to those desperate to read it

  • "The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we're happy to do it"

    Mother Theresa

  • "A body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."

    Mahatma Gandhi

  • "I want to thank you for your involvement in the process of moulding the lives of these beautiful people."
