Changing climate conditions in India
If you have visited India, you will have experienced the hot summers followed by the monsoon rains. This can be a trial at the best of times but in recent years the temperatures during the summer months have been rising and the monsoon rains heavier. People have learned to live and cope with this but this year the climate has been even harsher with summer temperatures in some parts reaching new record levels and other areas having greater levels of flooding.
We have been working with our partners there as much as we can to help with drought conditions by providing water pumps, bottled water when pumps have run dry due to a drop in the water table.
We have also helped over the years with flood relief aid providing food, medical assistance and temporary shelters.
Recently we responded to two of our partners requests for help with flooding and thanks to your generous support we were able to provide much needed help.
One of our partners has sent a report of how we were able to help with some of their flood relief work.
Here is what he said:
We join them in thanking you for supporting us and helping to bring much needed relief in such disastrous situations.