How our Philippines orphan education project is affecting people
“Because of my daughter’s involvement with Vision for Asia over the past two years, I have become more interested in the work. Consequently, God has given me a rare opportunity to step outside my normal view of life. What I have seen and learned has torn my heart open, and I too wanted to ‘Get Involved!’”
“I am 81 years of age and never dreamed that when I retired from work 20 years ago, that I would be overseeing one of the three mountain villages in the Philippines, supporting and fundraising for the Orphan children’s Education Programme. I smile to myself when I remember God’s Word, “To everything under the sun there is a time and a season.” These seasons certainly bring about changes in our lives, attitudes, positions, hopes, dreams and priorities.”
Scripture is clear that God has a special love in His heart for children. Despite His disciple’s rebuke, Jesus spent time loving little children. He also tells us to be like little children and to view Him as our Father.
If Jesus has a heart for all children, how great His love must be especially for those who are left behind without parents to love and guide them? God tells us again and again in His word that He loves orphans and has an incredibly compassionate heart for them. He is their Father and their Protector, and He invites us…His children…to participate with Him to care for them.
“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised”
In the above Scripture, the writer of Hebrews is reminding Jewish Christians that the same God who brought them this far will help them endure to the end. You see, the enemy wants us to draw back, settle down and lose confidence. He wants us to believe God for less, stop taking risks and settle for the possible. But we need to remember … I needed to remember … that the Christian life is a faith adventure. We need to keep stepping out and believing God because He is the God of the impossible!
He needs us to think bigger, dream bigger and imagine bigger through the power of the Holy Spirit.”