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Rupamari – Post Cyclone
There are moments in our lives when we feel unable to adequately express our true depth of emotion to events which are brought to our attention.
VfA Covid-19 response
Dear Friends, The spread of the novel coronavirus has caused major disruptions, changes, and as one media outlet called it, “forced new realities”.
Child Rescue Report
As you are aware, in January we were able to see the rescue of 13 children from child slavery and prostitution. This was the outcome of your generous support and donations.
‘Whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me’
Having visited India many, many times I am still struck by the vastness of the country. The crowded population, the divide between rich and poor, the affluence and the poverty.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
It has been 365 days since we last encountered the manic shopping trips for Christmas cards, paper, presents and food.
Christmas gifts for children
As Christmas draws near the word that comes to most people’s mind is “Joy”.
School days!
The Summer holidays are drawing to a close. A time for those last-minute trips to the beach, end of summer barbecues, and the expensive trips to shop for all the school necessities.
The reality of leprosy
Leprosy has terrified humanity since ancient times and was reported as early as 600 BC in India, China, and Egypt.
Where there is water there is life, but sometimes it can mean death.
The sun shines. The water glistens in the bright light. The wind swirls around me, unsettling the hot sand beneath my feet. I walk to the sea and bob up and down through the ripples of the waves.
Water… at what cost?
There is no denying that the natural calming effect of being around water is profound.
Final Thoughts – Reflections on my first visit to India – Part 10
When you get off the plane in India into a culture which has over 30,000 gods, you may find it a little hotter than you are used to.
Homeward Bound – Reflections on my first visit to India – Part 9
Writing this series of blogs seems so insufficient. India was, and is, so much more than these moments which cannot really be put into words, only known deep in your soul.
The Colours of India – Reflections on my first visit to India – Part 8
“Nicky – hold on!” exclaimed my travelling companions as we bounced our way through remote villages along dusty roads in a tuk tuk, and then I felt someone’s hand grabbing hold of my arm for my safety.
Morning’s Blessings – Reflections on my first visit to India – Part 7
An interesting night was spent sleeping in the school hut on a wafer-thin mattress, underneath mosquito nets, to the sound of dogs barking, howling and fighting as we waited for the arrival of the flood waters.
The Reality of Island life – Reflections of my first trip to India – Part 6
I wrote in an earlier blog that climate plays a rude villain to the people of the Sundarbans, as they are prone to yearly shocks of pre-monsoon cyclones, which severely damage habitation.
An Island Welcome – Reflections on my first visit to India – Part 5
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine being on an island in West Bengal with a group of friends to visit the school, children, teachers and pastors.
Onwards to Rupamari – Reflections on my first visit to India – Part 4
When God placed India and the work of Vision for Asia on my heart two years ago, I thought it had to be a mistake. But out of obedience, I joined, and I went.
From out of the Shadows – Testimony of a young woman
As the morning sun was glistening through the trees and casting its shadow, there was a shadow different from all the rest. That of a woman hiding herself from view not too far from her house.
Samir shares his thoughts on his Cycle repair training
The most important things I am learning are the hands-on experience with repairing tubes and adjusting derailleur limits and indexing.
How our Philippines orphan education project is affecting people
Because of my daughter’s involvement with Vision for Asia over the past two years, I have become more interested in the work.