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Child Rescue Report
As you are aware, in January we were able to see the rescue of 13 children from child slavery and prostitution. This was the outcome of your generous support and donations.
‘Whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me’
Having visited India many, many times I am still struck by the vastness of the country. The crowded population, the divide between rich and poor, the affluence and the poverty.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
It has been 365 days since we last encountered the manic shopping trips for Christmas cards, paper, presents and food.
Christmas gifts for children
As Christmas draws near the word that comes to most people’s mind is “Joy”.
The reality of leprosy
Leprosy has terrified humanity since ancient times and was reported as early as 600 BC in India, China, and Egypt.
Where there is water there is life, but sometimes it can mean death.
The sun shines. The water glistens in the bright light. The wind swirls around me, unsettling the hot sand beneath my feet. I walk to the sea and bob up and down through the ripples of the waves.
Water… at what cost?
There is no denying that the natural calming effect of being around water is profound.